Hi! My name is Yannis. I’m a French intern. I am taking a bachelor degree at EMLYON Business School. For my 4-years program, I had to do an internship for 4 months in a foreign country. I’ve never visited Asia and I had the opportunity to go to Korea so I decided to go there. When I read the program of the internship in ACOPIA, I found it very interesting so I decided to try and go, plus I really wanted to do it in an NGO because of the human’s factor.

It’s been a month now for my internship I’ve already did a presentation in front of many people in English of French food, with taste like croissant or crêpes. It was really good. I also did the translation of the website in Spanish and some promotions for internship and K-POP camp on social media.
Thanks to ACOPIA I can also take some K-POP dance lesson with a really good teacher and it’s free. Mainly it will be very expensive if you want to take some lessons in Korea.