Zuzia editor(Poland)
Yesterday I had an opportunity to visit a coffee shop called The Coffee Bean, near Jonggak station. I entered the café and a moment later with the amazement I saw a café shop, that looks like an airplane.
I really enjoy the coffee from The Coffee Bean, that is why going there yesterday was an obvious choice when I saw this café. I did not go there on purpose, random coffee at lunch break was a must have. Seeing this outstanding café inspired me to write today’s article.
At the beginning, the café looks normal, designed as every Coffee Bean I have ever been before, but it was getting more interesting while going further and further into the café. Almost at the back of the restaurant I saw a plane seats and people sitting there while drinking enjoying their coffee. Without any thinking I went straight to those seats and for my luck, one table and two rows of seats were free to seat.
The café has the standard menu of The Coffee Bean, so no special one. Honestly, it would be difficult to prepare and make some drinks that remind us of the airplane. And I don’t think it would work out.
But let’s get straight to the most important part – the plane part.
I ordered a coffee and got back to my seat to star enjoying my seat. Literally, my seat.

The first think I noticed, was that I do not have window seats ☹ On the photo above, you can see the seats that offers “window” experience. Next to the windows, where signs with the destinations, an of course with the place from were plan departure. All of them was Asian countries and most of them was Japan cities. However, windows were more exiting. There were beautiful photos from the destination the plane is going.
Another think, that I realized were seats belts. REALLY! The real seat belt, that is on the plane. I decided to test them and fasten my belt. And it worked. 10/10. You can even fasten them lighter or tighter. Now, I do not think the seats are not real…
Third think was how the seats are wide. It is hard to summarize, if the seats are the same as on the real aircraft or wider or smaller. But as the seats on the café, I can say they were really wide, what I enjoyed. Another think is that they were really comfortable. I know that after sitting there for 10 hours, they would start being uncomfortable, not wide enough, so you need to remember that being in the café and in the aircraft but having the same seats it is not even a little comparable.

Forth think I noticed, the possibility to lay down your seats. Maybe not all the way down like on the plane, but you have a chance to lay down your seat a little bit. Full experience of airplane.
Last but not least, the decorations. Not only the rows of seats are making this part of the café exiting. Even though the café does not serve any special menu. The TV that is showing scenes from the plane and sign with KOREA AIR are making this coffee shop more stunning. The window seats are another element of this café that are worth noticing here.
Think that should be said is that the Coffee Bean on Jonngak is very big but the airplane design is just around 30% of the café. Even though it is still big part of the huge café and can give you a real experience of the plane.
I would recommend this coffee shop to every coffee lover and people who are looking for outstanding places to see and visit in Seoul. Is just a café but during your stay in Seoul, you will definitely make some breaks for drink coffee. Everyone needs coffee 😉
Then why not diversity your break from sightseeing for another experience? 😊
Zuzia editor(Poland)